Kde jesť v Tottori a Kurayoshi City
, keď som ponoril a premiešal tenký kúsok hovädzieho mäsa v hrnci, začal som si uvedomovať, ako skutočne je podhodnotená Tottorina jedlá. Takéto prebudenie nemohlo prísť v lepšom prostredí. Sedeli sme na podlahe okolo horúceho hrnca v prvej reštaurácii Shabu-Shabu v Japonsku. Medzi ústami, náš nový Pal Kodani zdieľal viac informácií o histórii tohto ikonického jedla, ako ho do Japonska priniesla miestny Tottori a ako sa rozšíril do neďalekého regiónu Kansai a nakoniec prehnal národ.
Keď uvažujeme o japonskom jedle, Osaka je pravdepodobne prvým cieľom, ktorý sa objaví v hlavách. Osaka sa zvyčajne nazýva japonské potravinové hlavné mesto. Ale Tottori je pripravený chytiť túto parochňu, pretože miestni predstavitelia cestovného ruchu sa začínajú zameriavať na to, čo prefektúra môže priniesť na jedálenský stôl.
Mnohé z najslávnejších kulinárskych pochúťok v Japonsku majú svoje korene v Tottori. Tam sa narodila myšlienka Shabu-Shabu, kde sa chytia najchutnejšie kraby a krevety a kde sa zbierajú hrušky 20. storočia. Je tiež domovom Gyukotsu Ramen, zriedkavého typu, ktorý pre svoj vývar používa kosť pre dobytok (a je to najlepší ramen, aký sme kedy mali)! Tottori tiež produkuje najvyššiu úroveň taveniny v ústach, ale ekonomické hovädzie mäso Wagyu, hovädzie mäso Tottori, ktoré sa považuje za predchodcu iného vysoko uctievaného, ale šialene drahého hovädzieho mäsa Kobe, Matsusaka Hovädzie mäso a hovädzie mäso Omi.
A všetko, čo môžem urobiť, je súhlasiť. Doteraz som mal 21 prefektúr v Japonsku, ale nemôžem myslieť na žiadny cieľ, ktorý mi dal chutnejší čas ako v Tottori. Od mesta Tottori po Kurayoshi po Daisen až po Yonago až po Sakaiminato ponúka prefektúra Tottori nezabudnuteľné gastronomické skúsenosti s veľmi priaznivou mierou. Všetky potreby Tottori sú vynikajúci marketing a môže Osaovi vážne dať vážny útek titulu „Food Capital“.
Ak je vaším cieľom Yonago, Daisen alebo Sakaiminato, máme na to samostatný príspevok. Prečítajte si: Kde jesť v západnom Tottori.
Ale ak sa niekedy ocitnete v Tottori City a Kurayoshi City, tu a kde by ste mali jesť!
Čo je v tomto sprievodcovi pokryté?
Hamashita Surefood Shop & Restaurant
Sasa Sushi
Sumibi no jujuan (reštaurácia na grilovanie na uhlíku)
Káva Turudaya (Tsuruta-ya)
Takumi Kappoten Shabu-Shabu
Kaviareň Beniya
Coco Garden v prírodnej farme Oenosato
Hachibee gyukotsu ramen
Takauna ramen
Kurayoshiho roamingová mačka
Viac tipov na YouTube ⬇ súvisiace príspevky:
Hamashita Surefood Shop & Restaurant
Špecialita: krab Matsuba
Otvorené hodiny: 8:30 až 16:00
Tottori je známa mnohými veľmi vyhľadávanými morskými plodmi vrátane kreviet Mosa (Mosa-Ebi), ustrice Iwagaki, bielej chobotnice a kraba Matsuba. Krab Matsuba (mužský snehový krab) je najcennejším zimným jedlom Tottori. Môže mať štíhle nohy, ale je známe, že balí mäkké šťavnaté mäso, ktoré má jedinečnú prirodzenú sladkosť.
Poloha spoločnosti Tottori a kvalita vody z neho robia optimálne prostredie pre kraby. Preto je Tottori najlepším dodávateľom krabov v Japonsku, ktorý chytí viac ako ktorákoľvek iná prefektúra a dokonca trikrát viac ako Hokkaido, ktorý je známy aj svojimi krabmi. Aj keď Tottori dodáva svoju odmenu do iných prefektúr, veľa potravín z celého Japonska prichádza, aby ochutnali najčerstvejší úlovok. V Tottori City, miesto, kde sa môžete dostať OS Karo Port, druhý najväčší rybí prístav a trh v prefektúre Tottori. Ale vedľa prístavu Karo je rybárska a reštaurácia Hamashita.
Obchod a reštaurácia Hamashita Seafood Shop & Restaurant má malý vnútorný „trh“, kde si môžete vybrať kraby, ktoré chcete, a pripravia ho pre vás na mieste. Majú jedáleň, kde si môžete vychutnať okusovanie týchto krabov. Väčšina hostí chce, aby sa ich kraby varili, ale ak chcete mať chuť toho, čo robí z kraba Matsuba jedným z najvyhľadávanejších v Japonsku, nechajte ho Sashimi. Dokonca aj bez akéhokoľvek korenia má krab Matsuba príjemnú sladkosť.
Krabská sezóna v Tottori je od novembra do marca.
Kraby: ¥ 2000 hore, v závislosti od toho, čo nakupujete
Krabová misa: ¥ 980
Rozmanité sashimi: ¥ 980
Uni (Sea Urchin) na ryži: ¥ 1880
Ako sa tam dostať: Na stanici Tottori vezmite autobus Karo-Yuki Hinomaru a vystupujte na Karo Kaigan alebo Kanikkokan Mae. Je to kúsok odtiaľ.
Sasa Sushi
Špecialita: Sushi
Adresa: 104, Suehiroonsen-Cho, Tottori City
Otvorené hodiny: 17:00-12:00
Ako pobrežné mesto má Tottori neustále dodávky morských plodov, ktoré zaručuje čerstvosť ingrediencií podávaných v mestských sushi reštauráciách. Jedným z nich je Sasa Sushi.
Sasa Sushi nie je možnosťou rozpočtu. Je to na vyššom konci spektra, ale každý kus stojí za to. Každá ryžová guľa je v tvare ručne v tvare, zakončená polevami z oceánu, keď si objednávate, a slúži na starostlivo vybranom Kurayoshi Ware. Závimy sa menia v závislosti od dostupnosti ingrediencií, ale ak je vaše načasovanie správne, môžete očakávať Uni (Sea Urchin), Fatty Tuna (Otoro), Bonito, Matsuba Crab a Mosa-Ebi. Posledné dva sú lahôdky Tottori. Nenechajte si tiež ujsť Tamago s príchuťou kreviet!
Tento 40-ročný sushi bar only has 8 seats, allowing the chef to devote enough time perfecting each piece. reservation is required.
10-piece sushi set: ¥4,300
Beer: ¥600
Nearest Station: Tottori Station.
How to get there: Sasa Sushi is only a 7-minute walk from Tottori Station.
Sumibi no jujuan (reštaurácia na grilovanie na uhlíku)
Specialty: Tottori Beef
Address: 751, Suehiroonsen-cho, Tottori City
Hours open: 5pm-11pm
Japanese wagyu is one of the most celebrated beefs in the world. In particular, Kobe beef, Matsusaka beef, and Ohmi beef are all globally revered. A piece of any of these melt-in-your-mouth meat wonders will send you to gastronomic heaven and back. but they come with a price, a very high one. Fortunately, there are other less famous but still extremely delicious types.
There are four breeds of wagyu in Japan, the most common of which, making up almost 90%, is the Japanese black cattle (Kuroge wagyu). This wagyu has four strains, named after a place in Japan that produces it: Tajima, Shimane, Okayama, and Tottori. Kobe beef, Matsusaka beef, and Ohmi beef all come from Tajima strain. The Tottori pedigree is a different strain but just as worthy.
In Tottori, one of the places to go for Tottori beef is Sumibi no Jujuan, a yakiniku-type restaurant that features charcoal grills. It has a diverse menu that also boasts matsuba crabs, but most patrons come here for Tottori beef. just like Kobe beef, it is characterized by its tender texture and, although not as intense, beautifully marbled appearance. It’s fatty, almost buttery, and the juice burst in your mouth like an explosion of flavor. the best part, it is way, way cheaper than the Kobe variety.
Tottori wagyu sirloin steak set meal (with appetizer, salad, rice, dessert, grilled vegetables): ¥10,000
Tottoti beef sukiyaki set meal (with appetizer, noodle, dessert): ¥4800
Jujuan set (with beef & vegetables for grilling): ¥6480/person (minimum 2 pax)
Nearest Station: Tottori Station.
How to get there: Sumibi no Jujuan is just two blocks away from Tottori Station. You can reach it on foot in only 5 minutes.
Káva Turudaya (Tsuruta-ya)
Address: 21, Shokuninmachi, Tottori City
Hours open: I wasn’t able to get its full operating days and hours, but it closes at 9:30pm.
Another place to score low-cost Tottori wagyu is Turudaya Coffee. This cafe used to be Marufuku Coffee Shop, which was extremely popular among locals and had loyal patrons but for some reason closed down. The Marufuku signage was still up above the bar during our visit.
It is now Turudaya Coffee, a cafe that also serves heavier dinners including a plate of Tottori beef steak for only ¥3000. If you’re on a budget and you want to just have a taste of Tottori beef, this is a good place to start.
Tottori beef steak: ¥3000
Chicken steak: ¥1000
Pork steak: ¥1300
Nearest Station: Tottori Station.
Takumi Kappoten Shabu-Shabu
Specialty: Tottori Beef shabu-shabu
Address: 652, Sakaemachi, Tottori City
Hours open: 11:30am-2pm, 5pm-9pm
Closed: every 3rd Monday of the month
Most people think that shabu-shabu was invented in Osaka. In truth, Osaka can only take credit in giving it its name and maybe its popularity. but its origins can be traced back to Tottori, and if you dig deeper, to China. In 1938, a Tottori otolaryngologist (ENT surgeon) named Shoya Yoshida traveled to China as an army doctor. There he was able to try a dish called shuàn yángròu or instant-boiled mutton. It uses a hot pot with a chimney, where thin slices of mutton are “rinsed” in hot water before being dipped in sauce.
When he returned to Japan, he changed the main protein from mutton to beef because of availability issues. He then shared the recipe to restaurants in Kyoto and Osaka, and it was in the latter that it got its name shabu-shabu, an onomatopoeic term referring to the sound that it makes.
In 1962, Yoshida opened his own restaurant called Takumi Kappo in his hometown Tottori. It remains standing to this day. Takumi Kappoten uses local ingredients including thin slices of Tottori beef that are dipped in gyusuji soup and eaten with sesame sauce. A plateful of vegetables and mushrooms also come with an order.
Price: ¥3990 up.
Nearest Station: Tottori Station.
How to get there: Takumi Kappo is just 2 blocks away (5-minute walk) from Tottori Station.
Kaviareň Beniya
Specialty: Japanese curry rice
Address: 151 Suehironsencho, Tottori City
Hours open: Thursday-Tuesday 8am-7pm
Closed: Wednesday
It was the British that brought curry to Japan from India during the Meiji era in the late 19th century. since then, the Japanese have taken liberties with the ingredients. Their version of curry is made from less spices and has a more subtle taste, but the umami flavor is still there. It’s usually served on top of rice. Today, it is one of the most popular dishes in the country.
Tottori beats all the other prefectures when it comes to consumption of curry. It’s evident in the number of curry places in the area, one of which is Beniya.
Beniya is a small cafe that is well-known for its chicken cutlet curry. I’m not a fan of curry in general so I wasn’t really that excited about this lunch stop. The unusually dark roux was not helping, either. Reluctantly, I had a taste of it and it was surprisingly delightful. The curry itself is bursting with flavor but not too overpowering, and complements the crispy chicken.
Curry rice: ¥600
Chicken katsu curry: ¥800
Croquette curry: ¥700
Nearest Station: Tottori Station.
How to get there: From Tottori Station, you can just walk. It’s situated just 3 blocks away.
Coco Garden v prírodnej farme Oenosato
Specialty: fluffy Pancakes
Address: 877 Hashimoto, Ohenosato Shizen Bokujou, Yazu-cho, Yazu-gun
Hours open: daily 10am-6pm
Oenosato natural farm is famous in Tottori for their all-natural ways of poultry farming, especially their free range chickens. located at the foot of the mountains of Yazu, it can be reached after a 40-minute train and bus journey from Tottori Station. Yet, customers go out of their way to enjoy what they have to offer.
Here you’ll find Oenosato Village, a complex of small restaurants and stores serving dishes made from natural ingredients. but we came here for breakfast at Coco Garden, a cafe next to Oenosato Village. We had a wonderful first impression of the place. Every corner was Instagram-worthy. Every pastry on display was eye-catching. but its crowd-magnet is its fluffy pancakes. Their pancakes are made from free-range eggs that the farm is proud of. It is the most unforgettable pancake I’ve had in my life.
Nearest Station: JR Koge Station.
How to get there: From Tottori Station, take the JR Imbi Line or Wakasa railway to Koge Station. Fare: ¥240. travel time: 14-18 minutes. From Koge Station, board the San-san Bus bound for Oe and alight at Oenosato Shizen Bokujo-mae. travel time: 15 minutes.
Hachibee gyukotsu ramen
Specialty: Gyukotsu Ramen
Address: 1-101 Fukubacho, Kurayoshi City
Hours open: Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays 1130am-2:30pm, 6pm-08:30pm;
Friday, Saturday, Holidays, 1130am-2:30pm, 6pm-10pm
Closed: Tuesdays
Almost every prefecture puts their own twist to the quintessential Japanese comfort food, ramen. two of the most popular are Fukuoka’s tonkotsu ramen (Hakata ramen) and Hokkaido’s miso ramen. even small cities have their own version. some of the most unforgettable for me are Onomichi’s fatty shoyu ramen and Kumamoto’s rich garlic-overloaded ramen. but if you ask me to rank all the types of ramens that I have slurped, I’m pretty sure that Tottori’s gyukotsu ramen sits comfortably on top of the list.
While the rest of the world is in love with tonkotsu ramen, whose broth is made from pork bones, Tottori uses cattle bones in their gyukotsu ramen. I’ve been to 21 prefectures so far and only Tottori uses this ingredient as base for their broth. It’s rare, yes, but not exactly surprising, given the prefecture’s affinity with beef.
Hachibee is one of the few ramen spots in the world that serve this type of ramen. It is also our guide’s favorite ramen place. He had been raving about it since our first day in Tottori. located in Kurayoshi City, Hachibee isn’t well-known among tourists but is popular among locals. It was pretty packed when we arrived, but thankfully a table became open immediately.
Hachibee’s gyukotsu ramen captivates instantly. We were sold even before we could even take a look at it. The aroma coming from the hot soup filled the air. and when it was finally on our table, we just had to take photos. It looked pretty with thick cuts of pork neatly and beautifully arranged on top of the noodles and bamboo shoots. and the taste was heavenly. The beef bone flavor is undeniable but gentle, not overpowering but blending well with white shoyu. Although I still prefer Takauna’s broth (another ramen shop in neighboring Kotoura), the big chunks of pork