20 vecí, ktoré môžete vidieť a robiť v Bogotá
naposledy aktualizované: 02/08/2020 | 8. februára 2020
Hlavné mesto Kolumbie, Bogotá, bolo domovom domorodých obyvateľov regiónu, Muisca, keď Španieli prišli drancovať zlato a zdroje, a odvtedy je hlavným mestom krajiny.
Predtým, ako som išiel, mi všetci povedali, že Bogotá nebola ničím zvláštnym: špinavým, preplneným, ťažkým obchádzaním a bez toho, aby chýbalo kúzlo ďalších veľkých miest v Kolumbii.
“Strávte tam pár dní a choďte ďalej,” povedali všetci.
Strávil som tam pár dní – a potom ešte pár.
Miloval som Bogotá.
Bolo to ako najviac „kolumbijské“ mesto, ktoré som navštívil. Nie je to ako gringofied Cities vo zvyšku krajiny. Jeho „odvážna“ povaha ma oslovila.
Bogotá bola živé, živé mesto, ktoré som nemohol dosť.
Múzejná scéna je neuveriteľná, je tu veľa histórie, kvitnúca umelecká komunita, vzrušujúca scéna s jedlom, divoký nočný život a super vítajúcich ľudí.
Je to tiež obrovské mesto s tónom zájazdov, dennými výletmi a ďalšími vecami. Môžete tu ľahko stráviť týždeň.
Aby sme vám pomohli čo najlepšie využiť vašu návštevu, tu je mojich 20 najlepších vecí, ktoré treba vidieť a robiť v Bogotá.
20 vecí, ktoré treba vidieť a robiť v Bogotá
1. Urobte si bezplatnú pešiu prehliadku
Jednou z mojich najobľúbenejších vecí, ktoré treba urobiť, keď sa dostanem do nového cieľa, je absolvovať bezplatnú pešiu prehliadku. Je to skvelý spôsob, ako dostať laik z krajiny, vidieť hlavné pamiatky a mať miestnu odbornú odpoveď na všetky moje otázky.
BeyondColombia má skvelú pešiu prehliadku zadarmo, ktorá vám poskytne solídny úvod do mesta. Má tiež bezplatnú prehliadku jedla, čo je úžasný spôsob, ako získať chuť niektorých miestnych kolumbijských jedál (na jedlo na prehliadku strávite okolo 18 000 policajtov/6 USD). Nezabudnite si nakresliť svojich sprievodcov!
Pre špecializovanejšie turné nájdete na prehliadke Bogotá Graffiti Tour. Tento funguje darom a využíva peniaze získané na reinvestovanie v budúcich projektoch komunity umenia.
2. Pozri katedrálu soľnej katedrály
Nachádza sa asi hodina jazdy od mesta v Zipaquirá, katedrála Salt je rímskokatolícky kostol, ktorý bol postavený v tuneloch starej soľnej bane. Je to 200 metrov pod zemou, vďaka čomu je toto jedno z jedinečných náboženských miest v krajine, ak nie na svete. Každú nedeľu tu navštevuje bohoslužby až 3 000 ľudí.
Parque de La Sal, +57 315-760-7376, Catedraldesal.gov.co. Otvorené denne 9:00-17:40. Vstupné je 58 000 policajtov pre cudzincov, so zľavami k dispozícii pre seniorov.
3. Prejdite sa v botanických záhradách
Botanická záhrada Bogotá, ktorá bola otvorená v roku 1955, je domovom takmer 20 000 rastlín. Zameriava sa na regionálne rastliny, zvyčajne tie, ktoré sú endemické pre Andy a ďalšie vysokorýchlostné oblasti kontinentu. Je to skutočne pokojné miesto na prechádzku okolo a v okolí sú nejaké stánky s jedlom, takže pri skúmaní záhrad a prehliadanie exotických kvetov a stromov môžete chytiť rýchle uhryznutie.
Cl. 63 č. 6895, +57 1-437-7060, jbb.gov.co. Otvorené denne 8:00-17:00 (cez víkendy 9:00-17:00). Vstup je 3 500 policajtov pre dospelých a 1 800 policajtov pre deti.
4. Zúčastnite sa utorka Gringo
Toto je týždenná jazyková výmena, ktorá sa vyvíja v medzinárodnú stranu. Každé utorok sa môžete stretnúť s ostatnými miestnymi obyvateľmi a cestujúcimi na niekoľko hodín konverzácie. Akonáhle je koniec, skutočná párty začína a ide neskoro do noci. Je to zábavná, spoločenská noc, ak hľadáte stretnutie s kolegami. Mnoho hostelov organizuje na podujatie party autobusy, takže ak prichádzate z La Candelaria, je to dobrá možnosť prepravy.
Street 85 č. 11-53, Promenade Del Faro, +57 311-492-0249, gringotuesdays.com/en. Každé utorok sa jazyková výmena vyskytuje od 16:00 do 20:00, po ktorej nasleduje strana, ktorá prebieha 20:00-3:00.
5. Navštívte Museo Del Oro (Gold Museum)
Toto je najzaujímavejšie múzeum v celej krajine a každý rok vidí viac ako pol milióna turistov. Gold Museum, ktorý bol otvorený v roku 1939, dokumentuje význam a používanie zlata v predhispánskych civilizáciách v Kolumbii a je domovom viac ako 55 000 zlatých predmetov. Je tu veľa informácií, takže nezabudnite získať zvukový sprievodca (8 000 policajtov) alebo sa pripojte k jednej z denných zájazdov.
Cra. 6 č. 15-88, +57 1-343-2222, banrepcultural.org/bogota/museo-del-oro. Otvorené utorok-sobota 9:00-18:00 a nedele 10:00-16:00. Vstup je 4 000 policajtov pre dospelých a pre deti zadarmo. Vstup je v nedeľu zadarmo pre dospelých, ale rýchlo sa zaneprázdňuje, takže nezabudnite prísť skoro!
6. Vyliezť Monserrate
Stály vysoký na viac ako 3 000 metrov, môžete vidieť monserrát z takmer všade v meste. Je to populárne miesto, kde sa dá pozrieť, a keďže na samite je kostol, je to tiež populárne miesto pre miestne svadby. Môžete sa kráčať hore za menej ako hodinu, alebo si môžete vziať lanovku alebo lanovku na vrchol. Majte na pamäti, že prechádzka nie je v noci taká bezpečná – zlodeji skauta z trasy. Buď opatrný!
Funickulárny beží v pondelok sobotu 6:30-11:30 a nedele 5:30-16:30. Lanovka je k dispozícii v pondelok sobotu 12:00-13:30 a nedele 10:00-16:30. Vstupenkyeither vehicle are the same price: round-trip tickets cost 21,000 cop for adults (12,000 cop on Sundays).
7. check out the Museo de Botero
Founded in 2000, this museum is home to one of Latin America’s most important art collections. The museum was created after Fernando Botero donated hundreds of his works to the Banco de la República de Colombia with the promise that they would be displayed in a free museum for everyone to see. In addition to his own pieces, included in the donation were works by Monet, Picasso, and other world-famous artists. Take a free tour or get the audio guide (not free).
Cl. 11 No. 4-41, +57 1-343-1316, banrepcultural.org/bogota/museo-botero. open Monday and Wednesday-Saturday 9am-7pm and Sundays 10am-5pm (closed Tuesdays). Admission is free, and free guided tours are available daily; see the website for updated times. Audio guides are available for 10,000 COP.
8. wander the Usaquén Market
Every Sunday, artisans line the cobblestoned streets to sell all sorts of local crafts and goods. While it’s usually referred to as a flea market, things here are a bit nicer and more upscale than some of the other markets. It’s still quite affordable, though, and makes for a fun way to spend the day.
The market runs 11am-4pm every Sunday in Usaquén.
9. explore La Candelaria
I really loved this neighborhood. This is the old part of Bogotá. You can wander the narrow cobblestone streets and take in the eclectic architecture, with art deco, colonial, and baroque styles all calling the neighborhood home. many of the city’s best attractions (also, many hostels) are here too, such as the Botero Museum, the Gold Museum, and several churches and universities. watch live music while hanging at Plaza Chorro de Quevedo, try the local chicha (a drink made from corn, often fermented to be alcoholic) on the side streets, and take in some of the amazing restaurants in this district.
10. discover the national museum of Colombia
Situated in the heart of Bogotá, this is the oldest and biggest museum in the entire country (and one of the oldest on the continent). built in 1823, it’s home to over 20,000 pieces of art and historical artifacts, some dating as far back as 10,000 BCE. The building was actually used as a prison initially (it definitely looks imposing) until it transitioned into a museum in 1946. If you’re a history buff or just want to learn more about the country, this museum is a must.
Carrera 7 No 28-66, +57 1-381-6470, museonacional.gov.co. open Monday-Saturday 10am-6pm and Sundays 10am-5pm. Admission is 4,000 cop for adults, 3,000 cop for students, and 2,000 cop for children aged 5-12.
11. See the Santuario Nuestra Señora del Carmen
The national Shrine of Our lady of Carmen is a Gothic church located in La Candelaria. The church has a red-and-white striped pattern — both on the outside and inside — making it look like a giant candy cane. built from 1926 to 1938, the church stands almost 60 meters tall has some incredible Byzantine and Moorish art.
Cra. 5 No. 8-36, +57 1-342-0972. open Monday-Friday 7am-7:30am and 10am-4pm, Saturdays 7am-7:30am, and Sundays 7am-12:30pm.
12. Take a food tour
Bogotá is a great city for foodies, and the best way to get a sense of the culinary offerings is to take a food tour. Bogotá Food tour will take you around La Macarena, Bogotá’s bohemian and artistic neighborhood. The tour lasts three hours and will take you to three different restaurants where you can sample a local dish and drink. tours also include pickup and drop-off at your accommodation.
Tours are available Monday-Saturday and begin around 7pm. Booking in advance is required so you can secure your transportation. Tickets are 188,500 cop per person.
13. visit Simon Bolívar Metropolitan Park
This is one of the most popular parks in Bogotá. created in 1979, it spans almost 1,000 acres. You can find people exercising, relaxing, or attending concerts here. The park is named after the famous Simón Bolívar, who led the liberation of the region from its Spanish overlords.
Open daily 6am-6pm. Admission is free unless there is a concert or event in progress.
14. sample the local brews
Bogotá (and the country has a whole) has a growing craft beer scene. Bogotá Craft Beer offers a four-hour tour that takes you to some of the best bars and breweries in town. The tour includes a knowledgable guide as well as secure transportation from place to place. I highly recommend it.
Tours are available daily 4pm-9pm and need to be booked in advance via their website. Tickets are around 95,000 cop per person.
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send me my tips!15. wander Plaza Bolívar
This is the main square of Bogotá, home to Colombia’s palace of Justice, the Cathedral of Bogotá, the mayor’s office, and the Capitol Building. It’s the historical heart of the city, with buildings from as early as the 16th century. Under the Spanish, the plaza was home to bullfights, circus acts, and public markets. watch out for the plethora of pigeons!
16. explore Parque 93
This is the area of town with some of the best restaurants, nightclubs, and bars in the entire city. The park itself is home to an ongoing rotation of temporary art exhibitions. located in one of the nicer areas of town, you’ll find a lot of good restaurants and cafés lining the park.
17. visit the Iglesia de San Francisco
Built in the 16th century, this Catholic church is the oldest surviving church in Bogotá. The interior is incredibly ornate, with a beautiful altar that dates back to the 17th century. It’s still in use, and you’ll likely see some locals praying during your visit, so make sure to dress appropriately and be respectful.
Av. Jimenez De Quesada No. 7-10, +57 1-341-2357. open Monday-Friday 6:30am-10:30pm; 6:30am-12:30pm and 4pm-6:30pm on Saturdays; and 7:30am-1:30pm and 4:30-7:30pm on Sundays. Admission is free.
18. Head to the Laguna de Guatavita (Lake Guatavita)
If you want to take a break from the city and get some fresh air, head out on a day trip to Lake Guatavita. located around 60 kilometers north of Bogotá, this small lake is a sacred site to the region’s indigenous people and is apparently where the rumors of El Dorado originated. There are also hot springs in the nearby town of Sesquilé if you’re in need of some relaxation.
Day trips to the area last around 6 hours and will vary in price. expect to pay at least 180,000 cop per person.
19. explore the Museo Santa Clara
This church was built in the 17th century and is actually one of the oldest in the entire country. It was deconsecrated in the 1960s and converted into a museum by the government. There are over 148 baroque paintings that almost entirely cover its walls, making this one of the most beautifully decorated churches you’ll see in Colombia.
Cra. 8 No. 8-91, +57 1-337-6762, museocolonial.gov.co. open Tuesday-Friday 9am-4:30pm and Saturday-Sunday 10am-3:30pm. Admission is 4,000 cop for adults and 2,000 cop for children.
20. grab a snack from La Puerta Falsa
This little shop has been serving locals for over 200 years! La Puerta Falsa (The false Door) is a small restaurant with room for fewer than 20 people, yet the tamales and ajiaco soup have been community staples for generations. If you’re looking to try traditional Colombian food, this is the place to go!
Calle 11 No. 6-50, +57 1-286-5091, restaurantelapuertafalsa.inf.travel. open daily 7am-10pm though its schedule isn’t set in stone.
It’s true that Bogotá is an “edgy city” with a lot of petty crime. Yet I loved the atmosphere and vibe of the city. It had grit (kind of like Naples, Italy). I loved the art, the museums, the food. The city has so much to offer travelers. You can really fill a lot of time between all the sights, tours, parks, and activities. I would have liked to stay longer in Bogotá if I could.
I’d budget three to five days for your visit. It will definitely be worth it.
Book Your trip to Colombia: Logistical tips and Tricks
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Use Skyscanner or Momondo to find a cheap flight. They are my two favorite search engines because they search websites and airlines around the globe so you always know no stone is left unturned. start with Skyscanner first though because they have the biggest reach!
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You can book your hostel with Hostelworld as they have the biggest inventory and best deals. If you want to stay somewhere other than a hostel, use Booking.com as they consistently return the cheapest rates for