THE best neighborhoods IN PRAGUE: WHERE TO stay during YOUR check out

Posted: 4/17/2022 | April 17th, 2022

Franz Kafka famously said of Prague, “This mother has claws.” and he was right. There’s something about Prague that just won’t let you go. I can never get enough of this central European metropolis. It has a little bit of everything: interesting history, awe-inducing architecture, terrific pubs and clubs, and a budding restaurant scene to keep even the most ardent foodie full for a while.

I first went to this city in 2006 and have been back multiple times, even leading trips here for a while. Prague is continuously changing and I fall in love with it with each visit.

While many tourists (especially backpackers), stay in or near the historic center, it’s essential to remember Prague is that it’s not only about the historical center. There are a lot of interesting things to do in other neighborhoods throughout this city of 1.3 million people. and the city’s transportation system makes it easy to get around. In fact, some of my favorite areas in Prague are outside the historic center!!

Below, I’ll break each neighborhood down and give you suggested places to stay for each of them. But, first, some frequently asked questions I get about Prague:

What’s the best neighborhood for budget travelers?
Really, leave the historical center and prices drop. but if I have to pick one neighborhood for travelers on the cheap, it’s going to be Žižkov, a hilly, atmospheric district of cobblestoned streets and ramshackle 19th-century house buildings.

What’s the best neighborhood in Prague for families?
Vinohrady is a handsome neighborhood that is both quiet, pretty, and well connected to subway and tram lines.

What’s the best neighborhood in Prague for first-time visitors?
Most of the attractions that a first-time visitor is going to want to see and do are in Old town and across the Charles Bridge in Mala Strana.

What’s the best neighborhood in Prague for partying?
Not all the beer in Prague will help you pronounce it, but Vršovice (pronounced Ver-sho-veetz-say) is a fun out-0f-the-center neighborhood where a lot of young Czechs go to party — particularly on and around Krymská Street.

What is the best neighborhood in Prague overall?
Mala Strana, on the castle side of the Vltava River is a feast for the eyes. I like to stroll around the narrow cobblestoned streets and just get lost for an afternoon.

So, with those questions answered, here’s a breakdown of each neighborhood with suggested accommodation for each:

Prague neighborhood Overview

Best neighborhood for History

Best neighborhood for a quiet Stay

Best neighborhood for Partying

Best neighborhood for Charm

Best neighborhood for Foodies

Best neighborhood for Art Lovers

Best neighborhood for summer Fun

Best neighborhood for budget Travelers

Best neighborhood for History: Old Town

Want to get medieval? then head to Old Town, or stare Mesto in the local lingo, which is dripping with Gothic and Baroque ambience. hugging the Vltava River, this compact area is fun to just take a left or a best down a backstreet and wander. sit in a pub nursing a pint of pilsner or a coffee and then go get lost again. Old town Square is one of the most stunning squares in Europe, dominated by the Gothic-clad Old town Hall and the wicked-looking Tyn Church.

Best places to stay in Old Town

BUDGET: The Madhouse – If you want to meet people and are searching for a party, this is the best hostel in Prague to do that! The décor includes very amazing murals and the well-informed staff organize events for guests every night. It’s very popular and one of the best social hostels in the city. Don’t come here if you want to sleep and not party! It’s technically just outside the Old Town, but it’s worth the walk if you want to party!

MID-RANGE: hotel Metamorphis – A reference to writer Franz Kafka’s many well-known story? Možno. but I guarantee you won’t be turned into a huge bug at this comfortable hotel, located in a courtyard behind Old town Square and the captivating Tyn church. The rooms here have a boutique feel but the most interesting perk is that there is a beer medspa on site (that also provides limitless beers).

LUXURY: Maximilian hotel – sleek and chic, this smart boutique hotel has comfortable rooms to rest your cobblestone weary feet. Splurge and get a room with a balcony to take in the view. There’s also a buffet breakfast, a fitness center, a restaurant, and a bar on-site.

Best neighborhood for a quiet Stay: Vinohrady

Sedate and stately Vinohrady is the optimal neighborhood to plant yourself in Prague if you’re looking some peace and quiet. Sure, there are bars and outdoor restaurants but it’s typically a unwinded residential district. Plus, Vinohrady is well connected to subway lines and trams so it’s easy to get anywhere in the city from here.

The best places to stay in Vinohrady

BUDGET: Hostel One Miru – This social hostel has a large coMmon Area s Netflixom a videohrami, takže je ľahké ochladiť a stretnúť ľudí. Hostiteľ denne a nočné podujatia a tiež spoločné večere. Postele sú pohodlné a mnohé z nich majú záclony súkromia, aby ste sa mohli dobre spať.

Stredný rozsah: Hotel Taurus-hneď vedľa hlavného námestia vo Vinohrady je Taurus pohodlné miesto, kde si položí hlavu po dni prehliadky pamiatok. Všetky 86 priestranných izieb majú úplne zadarmo Wi-Fi a satelitné televízory.

Luxus: Hotel One Room-nie je lacný, ale je jedinečný. Tento jedinečný dom sa nachádza na vrchole renomovanej a retro-futuristickej televíznej veže Žižkov na hranici Vinohrady a Žižkov.

Najlepšie susedstvo na párty: Vršovice

Vršovice, vyslovený Ver-Sho-Veetz-Say, bývala tichou, ale peknou rezidenčnou štvrťou hneď mimo historického centra mesta. Ale všetko, čo sa zmenilo pred niekoľkými rokmi, najmä v okolí ulice Krymska Street, keď sa začali otvárať krčmy, kaviarne a reštaurácie. Zamierte tam v piatok alebo v sobotu večer a zistíte, že oblasť bzučí chlpatými vlasovými bedrami, ktoré pijú pivo v krčmách a na ulici.

Najlepšie miesta na pobyt vo Vršovice

Rozpočet: Galéria hotela SIS-Základné, ale čisté so satelitnou televíziou a úplne zadarmo Wi-Fi v každej miestnosti, toto 50-izbové miesto sa môže pochváliť dobrým raňajkovým bufetom a priateľským personálom. Ak potrebujete len nízkonákladové miesto na pobyt, je to tak.

Stredný rozsah: Czech Inn-Ignorujte hlúpe meno a skutočne sa prihláste do tohto zábavného hotela, ktorý je hotelom strednej veľkosti a hostelom. Hosťovské izby sú veľké, najmä ak požiadate o rohovú miestnosť s výhľadom na kľukatú ulicu Krymska.

Luxus: Art Art Hotel Le Palais – Geograficky najbližší luxusný dom k Vršovice je vzdialený len pár blokov. A je to dobré. Grand Hotel je, ako by ste očakávali od mena, posiate umením, a to v hale aj v izbách. Existujú dokonca aj náčrty Le Corbusiera.

Najlepšie susedstvo pre kúzlo: Mala Strana

Mala Strana, ktorá je preložená ako „Little Quarter“, je jednou z najčastejších krásnych štvrtí v Európe. Prejdite cez Charles Bridge zo Starého mesta a pripravte sa na šokovanie a ohromte úzkymi kľukatými dláždenými ulicami, roztomilými štvorcami zameranými na fontány a barokovými palácmi (z ktorých mnohé sú dnes veľvyslanectvo bývania). Nenechajte si ujsť kostol sv.

Najlepšie miesta na pobyt v Mala Strana

Rozpočet: Little Quarter Hostel – Tento hostel sa nachádza medzi hradom a Charles Bridge a má priestranné internáty a je udržiavaný veľmi čistý. Postele nie sú príliš pohodlné, ale existujú záclony v oblasti súkromia a postele nie sú naplnené ako sardinky, aby ste sa mohli dobre spať. Majú tiež úžasné raňajky (za ďalší poplatok).

Stredný rozsah: U 3 pstrosu-ako história? Dobre, pretože sa vám bude páčiť „na troch pštrosích“, ako sa hovorí v angličtine. Izby majú stropy s drevenými lúčmi a úplne bezplatné Wi-Fi a niektoré majú úžasný výhľad na Charles Bridge, ktorý je takmer dosahom ramena.

Luxus: Augustín-V stále pracujúcom kláštore zo stredoveku má tento elegantný dom 100 veľkých izieb so všetkými výhodami, ktoré by ste očakávali od hotela tohto kalibru luxusu. Suterénny bar podáva domáce pivo z receptu mníchov v obchode.

Najlepšie susedstvo pre potraviny: Karlin

Nie je ľahké cvičiť iba v jednom susedstve pre úžasné stravovanie, pretože scéna Pražskej jedla sa v poslednom desaťročí rozrástla a dozrela v skokoch a hraniciach. Karlin, ktorý sa nachádza hneď mimo centra mesta, je dobrá stávka vďaka gastropubom ako Lokal Hamburk, avantgardné škandinávske škvrny ako Eska, kaviareň tretej vlny M? To nalieva iba Vino vyrobené v rámci hraníc bývalej rakúsko-uhorskej ríše.

Najlepšie, kde zostať v Karline

Rozpočet: Hostel Florenc-S úplne bezplatnými raňajkami, úplne zadarmo Wi-Fi a úžasnou spoločnou oblasťou s ping pong a foosball je to čistý a rozpočtový hostel, ktorý je ideálny pre cestujúcich, ktorí sa chcú stýkať. Tlak vody v sprchoch je úžasný a postele sú pohodlné.

Stredný rozsah: Botanique Hotel-Nachádza sa len pár blokov od stanice metra Florenc v Karline, 214 moderných izieb v Botanique má výrobcovia kávy na miestnosti, stanice nabíjania telefónov a úplne bezplatné Wi-Fi. Niektoré izby majú balkóny.

Luxus: Hotel Royal Praha – Ak sa chcete cítiť ako kráľ v Karline, kráľovský je pre vás. Zatiaľ čo hotel sedí na mnohých rušných uliciach v okrese, hotel sa stará o hluk pridaním zvukových okien do svojich 196 izieb. Existujú tiež všetky typické vybavenie, ktoré by ste našli v štvorhviezdičkovom hoteli.

Najlepšie susedstvo pre milovníkov umenia: Holešovice

Toto kvázi priemyselne vyzerajúce okolie „Hoe-Lay-Sho-Say-Say, bolo, pretože v polovici 90. rokov, susedstvo pre nočný život a klubovanie. Ale v poslednom desaťročí sa stal okresomwhere hip bars, restaurants, and cafes have opened up, possibly only rivaled by neighboring Letna. but if you want to add art to the equation, this is the place for you. Be sure to check out DOX: center for contemporary Art, Veletržní Palac (the national Gallery’s wing of contemporary Art), and also stroll the streets to gawk whatsoever the street art. There’s also the sprawling Stromovka Park for anybody wanting to take a quiet stroll and get away from the city.

The best places to stay in Holešovice

BUDGET: Sir Toby’s – This two-decade-old hostel in Holešovice has both dorms and private rooms available, depending on your budget and style of travel. The attached pub can become raucously fun at times. They host regular events (trivia, cooking classes) and there are lots of board games and books for unwinding in the common area. It’s a fun, social hostel that makes it easy to meet people.

MID-RANGE: mama shelter – part of a small chain of hip, design-laced European hotels, the Prague outlet of mama shelter has been outfitted from a former Communist-era hotel. The garden-level restaurant serves comfort grub to choose your Czech beer and the rooms come in four different sizes, depending on how much your budget will allow.

LUXURY: Art hotel – This art-strewn home nestled between Holešovice and Bubenec provides comfortable rooms in which to unwind after a day of art gallery hopping. and you need not go far to check out some local art. The hotel has a collection of works by Czech modern artists, including Jan and Pravoslav Kotík, Pavel Roucka and Pavel Štecha.

Best neighborhood for summer Fun: Naplavka

When the sun shines brightest and the days are longest, the best place to hang out in Prague is Naplavka. set along the riverbank just south of Palacky Bridge — or Palackého Most, in the local parlance — Naplavka is made up of a series of bars and restaurants. You can sit along the edge of the Vltava River (with the castle looming in the distance) and nurse a beer or do a pub crawl, hitting several spots in one afternoon or evening.

The best places to stay in Naplavka

BUDGET: Hostel Emma – set a cobblestone’s throw from the river and nearly behind the famed dancing House, Hostel Emma is a quiet hostel with a fully-equipped kitchen and totally free Wi-Fi. The dorms are basic and the bunks aren’t very comfortable, but the hostel is within walking distance to everything you need.

MID- RANGE: Arbes – located ner the foot of Petrin hill, this hotel has spacious vintage boutique rooms that are a stones throw from the Vltava River. totally free Wi-Fi is included and thee staff are incredibly accommodating.

LUXURY: dancing house – set in a dynamic Frank Gehry-designed building that was constructed in the mid-1990s, the hotel provides fine views of Prague Castle and Old town and is only steps from the Naplavka bars. breakfast and a welcome drink are included.

Best neighborhood for budget Travelers: Žižkov

This is a hilly, atmospheric district full of cobblestoned streets and ramshackle 19th-century house buildings. prior to 1922, the area was actually an independent city separate from Prague. Historically, this was a working-class district and has a history of supporting left-wing causes, with locals referring to the area as the “Free Republic of Žižkov.” Don’t miss the 9-meter tall statue of military leader Jan Žižka and be sure to clamber up the TV tower to take in the view.

The best places to stay in Žižkov

BUDGET: Clown & Bard Hostel – This is a chill hostels with friendly staff and an environmentally friendly vibe. The bunks are basic but the rooms are spacious and there are tons of low-cost bears nearby if you want to go out and socialize (there’s a bar on-site too).

MID-RANGE: hotel Gloria – This modern hotel boasts spacious rooms, totally free Wi-Fi, and a quiet and convenient location at the foot of Vitkov Hill. totally free breakfast is included and the renowned Charles Bridge is just a short jaunt away.


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