2022 BALER travel requirements + list of recognized beach Resorts & hotels
2022 January 30
The Municipality of Baler has recently announced by means of their official Facebook page its new set of travel requirements. According to the advisory, tourism is a huge help to the community and this is what urged the local government to open up for leisure travelers again after being closed due to travel restrictions placed because of the pandemic. However, the local government still implements health and safety protocols and adheres to the restrictions set by the Inter-Agency task force (IATF).
Baler’s guidelines for tourists are based on the released executive buy No. 2021- 0024 of the Provincial government of Aurora. If you are considering going to Baler for a getaway, here are the details you need to know and things you have to prepare before you travel.
Čo je zahrnuté v tejto príručke?
Travel requirements for local & foreign Tourists
What to do before checking out Baler? 1. Prepare the medical requirements for your visit.
2. book your stay at an recognized accommodation.
3. get a travel Coordination permit (TCP).
4. enter Baler through the assigned Provincial control Points.
5. follow all health and safety protocols.
List of recognized Baler Resorts and Hotels
Frequently Asked questions (FAQs)Are children/minors allowed to visit?
What modes of transport are allowed?
Can I stay at a relative’s or friend’s house?
Can I travel DIY-style? Do I really need a excursion guide?
I’m not a tourist. What are the travel requirements for Returning Residents & Locally Stranded individuals (LSIs)
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Travel requirements for local & foreign Tourists
The following will be checked upon entry at the Provincial control points (PCP):
Approved travel Coordination permit (TCP). To get one, you need to register and create an account with S-pass. safe a TCP at least 2 days before your trip. S-Pass approval is from 8am-5pm only. a lot more info on how to register and get a TCP below.
Negative RT-PCR test result valid within 72 hours from the date of issuance.
Medical Certificate for children 11 years old and below. The med cert need to be issued within 48 hours prior to travel date and need to come from a credible medical institution and need to indicate that the child is physically fit and has no COVID-19 symptoms for the past 14 days.
Booking confirmation in an accommodation establishment recognized by the department of tourism (DOT). This applies to all tourists including family, company, or van for hire drivers. See the list of recognized resorts and hotels below.
Platné ID
What to do before checking out Baler?
1. Prepare the medical requirements for your visit.
For individuals 11 to 65 years old, submit a negative RT-PCR test result taken within 72 hours prior to arrival to Baler.
For minors aged 5 to 10 years old, present a medical certificate issued within the past 48 days from travel date and from a credible health institution that indicates that the child is physically fit, in good medical condition, and has no history of COVID-19 signs and symptoms during the last 14 days.
2. book your stay at an recognized accommodation.
As of writing, the provincial government of Aurora only allows tourists to stay at recognized accommodation establishments.
For tourists, staying at a friend’s or relative’s house is not allowed to lessen contact with locals.
You may refer to the next section below for the list of accommodation options.
3. get a travel Coordination permit (TCP).
If you don’t have an S-Pass account yet, you need to register first. once done, follow these steps.
Log in your S-pass account. enter your mobile number and password to log in.
Click apply PERMIT. This will bring you to the page where you can start processing your travel Coordination permit application.
Pick your current location/origin. Then, choose your destination.
Click APPLLY FOR travel COORDINATION PERMIT. After choosing your origin and destination, scroll to the bottom of the page and click the apply for travel coordination permit button. This will open a new tab to the TCP Application page.
Enter the details of your travel. select what type of traveler you are. If you’re traveling for leisure, select local Tourists. Then, enter the details of your trip including date of departure and arrival, address of your origin, address of destination, and mode of transportation. once complete, click PROCEED.
Upload your requirements. On this page, you need to publish a photo of your valid government -issued ID, negative RT-PCR test result taken 72 hours prior to your travel date or medical certificate for children 5 to 10 years old, and confirmed booking at a dot recognized accommodation establishment. After publishing all the required documents, click SUBMIT.
Wait for the approval of your TCP. You may check the status of yuor application on the travel permits tab on the S-pass website. Všimnite si, že schválenie žiadostí je od 8:00 do 17:00. Žiadosti predložené mimo týchto hodín sa skúmajú nasledujúci deň.
4. Zadajte Baler cez pridelené provinčné kontrolné body.
Myseľ vstupného bodu a načasovania. Turisti môžu byť povolené len vstúpiť na provinčné kontrolné body (PCP) v čase relatívne k ich harmonogramu registrácie v ich rezervovaných ubytovacích zariadeniach. Toto sú umiestnenie PCP a povolený vstupný plán:
Canili PCP v Brgy. San Juan Maria Aurora. Turisti môžu zadávať 1 hodinu pred ich harmonogramom.
Calaocan PCP v turistoch Dipaculao musia byť povolené vstupné 2 hodiny pred ich plánovanou registráciou.
Tanauan Control Point v Dingalan
Uistite sa, že máte s vami kópiu požadovaných dokumentov, pretože tieto budú kontrolované na PCP.
Všetky automobily používané na exkurziu budú identifikované na PCP s nasledujúcimi detailmi: lgu určenia, dátum a trvanie prehliadky a počet turistov.
5. Sledujte všetky protokoly o zdraví a bezpečnosti.
Noste tvárovú masku akýmkoľvek spôsobom.
Dodržujte správne fyzické dištancovanie.
Umyte si ruky alebo sanitizujte pomocou dezinfekcie na báze alkoholu alebo alkoholu.
Zoznam uznaných balíkov a hotelov
Tu je zoznam uznávaných ubytovacích zariadení od 11. novembra.
Aliya Surf Resort
Buton St., Brgy. Sabang
Amco Beach Resort
Buton St., Brgy. Sabang
Kontrola sadzieb a dostupnosti! ✅
Kontrola sadzieb a dostupnosti! ✅
Backdoor Villa
Alley 1 Brgy. Sabang
Balud Camp
Seta Road Brgy. Sabang
Hotel Bayler View
Buton St., Brgy. Sabang
Bay’s Inn Resort
Buton St., Brgy. Sabang
Kontrola sadzieb a dostupnosti! ✅
Carlitos Inn
Prozok 5, Brgy. Suclayin
Kontrola sadzieb a dostupnosti! ✅
Casa Prescilla
Buton St., Brgy. Sabang
Damara Inn
Prozok 6, Brgy. Sabang
Dela Torre Beach Resort
Sitio Puntian Brgy. Zabali
Sitio Digisit Brgy. Zabali
Miesto Eugene
Sitio Puntian Brgy. Zabali
Prechodový dom giliw
Prozok 2 Brgy. Sabang
Zelený list
Hotel Lady Nina
Cemento Beach, Zabali
Kontrola sadzieb a dostupnosti! ✅
Hotel Ni Pepe
Purok 7 Sitio Castillo Barangay Sabang
Kontrola sadzieb a dostupnosti! ✅
JDM Pacific Waves Inc.
Prozok 2, Mendoza St. COR. T. Molina St. Brgy. Sabang
Juana’s Angel Resort
BRGY. Bulgón
Buton Street, Barangay Saban
Kahea’s Beach Resort
Buton Street Prozok 1, Barangay Sabang
L’Sirene Boutique Resort
Prozok 6, Barangay Reserve
Kontrola sadzieb a dostupnosti! ✅
La Patricia Hotel
Purok 3 Sabang
Kontrola sadzieb a dostupnosti! ✅
Prechodný dom Lilian
164 BRGY. Sabang
Kontrola sadzieb a dostupnosti! ✅
Lotus Sun a Waves Resort
Sitio Libok, Brgy. Bulgón
M. Moreno Lodge a reštaurácia
133 Recto, POBLACION
Prechodný dom Mama Nene
Barangay Sabang
Príroda Green Forest Resort
Cementová pláž
Kontrola sadzieb a dostupnosti! ✅
Niñas prechodný dom a izba na prenájom
145 F. Mendoza St. Purok 2 Sabang
Kontrola sadzieb a dostupnosti! ✅
Severný Shore Surf Camp
Starý Parola Seaside Inn
Prozok 5 Brgy. Sabang
Kontrola sadzieb a dostupnosti! ✅
Pasilyo Lodge a Surf
Buton St. Brgy. Sabang
S.m.a.r.t. Plážový dom
Prozok 2 Brgy. Sabang
Kontrola sadzieb a dostupnosti! ✅
Sea a Siera Vista, Inc. (Costa PacificA)
Buton St. Brgy. Sabang
Kontrola sadzieb a dostupnosti! ✅
Miesto Amare
Buton St. Brgy. Sabang
Kontrola sadzieb a dostupnosti! ✅
Vista Aurora Inn
Prozok 1 Brgy. Sabang
Ysnowbee Baler Inn
Prozok 2 Brgy. Sabang
Kontrola sadzieb a dostupnosti! ✅
Ysraela Ubytovanie Dom
Prozok 1 Brgy. Sabang
Kontrola sadzieb a dostupnosti! ✅
Innclusive Homestay
Quezon St. Brgy. Suklayin
Nekonečný letný hotel
Rizal St. Brgy. 5
Kontrola sadzieb a dostupnosti! ✅
Seasta Beach Resort
Sitio Cemento Brgy. Zabali
Prozok 2, Brgy. Sabang
Hotel Rupert Atienza
BRGY. Suclayin
Kontrola sadzieb a dostupnosti! ✅
Frequently Asked questions (FAQs)
Sú deti / neplnoleté osoby navštíviť?
Áno, ale deti od 5 do 10 rokov potrebujú mať lekárske lekárske osvedčenie z dôveryhodnej zdravotnej inštitúcie a maloletých vo veku od 11 do 17 rokov, sú povinní mať negatívny výsledok testu RT-PCR.
Aké druhy dopravy sú povolené?
Private automobiles and excursion transport from a dot recognized travel agency or excursion operator are allowed.
Can I stay at a relative’s or friend’s house?
No. Tourists are required to book an accommodation at a DOT-accredited accommodation establishment for their stay.
Can I travel DIY-style? Do I really need a excursion guide?
NO excursion GUIDE, NO excursion policy is implemented. If you’re planning to excursion around Baler, make sure to book a trained local excursion guide with the Municipal tourism office or book a excursion with DOT-accredited travel agencies or excursion operators.
I’m not a tourist. What are the travel requirements for Returning Residents & Locally Stranded individuals (LSIs)
Valid ID indicating address in Baler to verify that you are an LSI/Returning Resident. If no Valid ID,Vyžaduje sa schválený S-PASS.
Ak ste cestovanie LSI prostredníctvom verejnej dopravy: vyžaduje sa schválený S-PASS.
Ak je plne očkovaný: Vakcinačná karta alebo osvedčenie o očkovaní
Ak čiastočne očkovaný alebo neverený: je potrebné prezentovať záporný výsledok testu antigénu, ktorý je potrebný do 72 hodín pred príchodom. Tí, ktorí by nepodarilo predstavovať negatívny výsledok antigénového testu, budú musieť zostať v karanténnom zariadení na 14 dní.
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