IMPORTANT! starting July 1, 2018, the Korean embassy will be implementing a new application process, which needs applicants to data at any type of of their designated travel companies instead. The business alphalist is likewise no longer required. For the new application process, checked out this instead: new KOREAN VISA APPLICATION PROCEDURE.

South Korea is a dream destination to lots of Filipinos. thanks to the development of K-Pop, the increase of koreanovelas, as well as the flourishing of the Korean diaspora in the Philippines.

I have made great good friends with a number of Koreans over the years: classmates, workmates, bosses. as well as all of them have brought with them excellent tales about their homeland, putting South Korea on my travel map. however it wasn’t up until this month that I was lastly able to make this trip a reality.

Visa applications can be intimidating to many, particularly first-timers. While you may hire a travel company to do this, I strongly encourage you against it since you can quickly do it yourself. The reality is, it is a extremely basic process. getting a Korean visa is easy, fast, as well as FREE.

Here’s a quick step-by-step guide on exactly how to obtain a vacationer visa from the Korean embassy on your own.


List of Korean Visa RequirementsFor Employees
For Self-Employed
For Housewives
For Students
Dôležité poznámky

How to apply for a Korean Visa1. total all the requirements.
2. submit the papers to the Korean Embassy.
3. insurance claim your visa on the arranged date of release.

Frequently Asked concerns (FAQs)How early can I apply for a South Korea Visa?
How long would I be enabled to stay in Korea?
Do I requirement to book flights as well as hotels before applying?
Do I requirement a travel company for this?
My employer stated they can’t supply the business alphalist since it’s confidential. Čo môžem urobiť?
What is the Visa Issuance confirmation in the section 2 of the Application Form?
If my application is denied, can I apply again?
What does a South Korea visa look like?

More ideas on YouTube ⬇️⬇️⬇️Related Posts:

List of Korean Visa Requirements

Below are the fundamental requirements.

Duly accomplished application form. download here. You can likewise discover it below.

1 passport size colored photo

Passport (must still be valid for at least 6 months)

Photocopy of the passport Bio page (Page 2)

Photocopy of all your OECD Visas (If You have Them). only if you have them. If you don’t, avoid this part. If you have visas to any type of member country of the  Organisation for economic Co-operation as well as advancement (OECD), you will requirement to submit the original copy as well as a photocopy of all of them. (Past Korean visas are not counted.) To see all the OECD member countries, see this website.

If invited by a Korean: an Invitation letter as well as a copy of the inviter’s passport. (Ignore if not applicable.)

Setting up fake worker failed: “Cannot tons script at:”.


In addition, you will requirement to verify that you can support the trip. right here are the extra papers you requirement to safe according to your employment status.

For Employees

Potvrdenie o zamestnaní. need to be original; as well as need to have the address of the employer, the landline number as well as email address of employer’s hr department, applicant’s position, date hired, as well as compensation. Mobile number is not allowed.

Original personal bank Certificate. need to include account type, present balance, account opening date, ADB.

Original or licensed true copy of bank statements/passbook covering the last 3 months.

ITR (Income tax Return, type 2316) as well as business Alphalist (Form 1604 CF with BIR got stamp). highlight your name on the Alphalist.

Copy of PRC Card or IBP Card (If applicable only)

For Self-Employed

Photocopy of service registration type from DTI or SEC

Photocopy of service permit or Mayor’s permit

Photocopy of ITR (Income tax Return) or type 2316 with corresponding repayment receipt from BIR authorized bank

Original personal bank Certificate. need to include account type, present balance, account opening date, ADB.

Original or licensed true copy of bank statements/passbook covering the last 3 months.

Copy of PRC Card or IBP Card (If applicable only)

For Housewives

Your own or your husband’s original bank Certificate. need to include account type, present balance, account opening date, ADB.

Your own or your husband’s bank Statement. original or licensed true copy of bank statements/passbook for the last 3 months.

If other half is employed
– Husband’s original Certificate of Employment. need to be original; as well as need to have the address of the employer, the landline number as well as email address of employer’s hr department, applicanPostavenie T, najatie dátumu, ako aj kompenzácia. Mobilné číslo nie je povolené.
– Kópia ITR (daňové priznanie z príjmu) alebo kópia typu 2316, ako aj obchodný alfalista (formulár 1604 CF s BIR Got Stamp). Zvýraznite svoje meno v zozname.

Ak je druhá polovica samostatne zárobkovo činná osoba
– Kópia registrácie služieb manžela z SEC alebo DTI
– Kópia povolenia na služby manžela alebo povolenie starostu (kópia)
– Fotokópia manžela ITR (daňové priznanie z príjmu) alebo typ 2316 so zodpovedajúcim potvrdením o splatení od autorizovanej banky BIR

Fotokópia sobášneho certifikátu NSO

Pre študentov

Originálne certifikát inštitúcie

Fotokópia ID inštitúcie

Fotokópia rodného listu NSO uchádzača

Ak sú rodičia zamestnaní
– Pôvodné osvedčenie o zamestnaní rodičov. Potrebujete byť originálne; Rovnako ako je potrebné mať adresu zamestnávateľa, číslo pevnej linky, ako aj e -mailovú adresu oddelenia ľudských zdrojov zamestnávateľa, pozíciu žiadateľa, dátum prijatia, ako aj kompenzáciu. Mobilné číslo nie je povolené.
– Kópia ITR (daňové priznanie z príjmu) alebo kópia typu 2316, ako aj obchodný alfalista (formulár 1604 CF s BIR Got Stamp). Zvýraznite svoje meno v zozname.

Ak sú rodičia samostatne zárobkovo činné osoby
– Kópia registrácie služieb rodičov z SEC alebo DTI
– Kópia povolenia na služby rodičov alebo povolenie starostu (kópia)
– Fotokópia ITR rodičov (daňové priznanie z príjmu) alebo typ 2316 so zodpovedajúcim potvrdením o splatení od autorizovanej banky BIR

Pôvodný bankový certifikát rodičov. Potrebujete zahrnúť typ účtu, súčasný zostatok, dátum otvorenia účtu, ADB.

Výpis rodičov. Pôvodná alebo licencovaná skutočná kópia bankových výpisov/vkladnej knihy za posledné 3 mesiace.

Kópia manželského certifikátu rodičov.

Dôležité poznámky

Aktualizácia týkajúca sa ITR! (Marec 2018): Veľvyslanectvo odhalilo, že od 26. marca 2018, prví cestujúci, ktorí necestovali ako turisti do žiadneho typu OECD krajiny za posledných 5 rokov, musia predložiť nasledujúce:
– Pre zamestnancov ITR s BIR dostal alebo BIR licencoval skutočnú kópiu, ako aj kópiu alfalistov s BIR Got Stamp (formulár 1604 cf). Musíte zvýrazniť svoje meno na alfaliste

-Pre samostatne zárobkovo činné osoby, typ BIR so zodpovedajúcim potvrdením o splácaní od banky autorizovanej BIR.

Častí cestujúci, ktorí boli v členských krajinách OECD za posledných 5 rokov, sú tiež oslobodení od predloženia ITR. Nie som si istý presne, aké množstvo víz OECD je potrebné na kvalifikáciu ako pravidelný cestovateľ.

Ak ste na voľnej nohe, prečítajte si: Kóreské vízové ​​fázy

Garda v Gyeongbokgung Palace Gate
Ako sa uchádzať o kórejské vízum

1. Celkom všetky požiadavky.

Uistite sa, že ste zhromaždili všetky vyššie uvedené požiadavky.

Zoznam je v súlade s konkrétnou objednávkou. Základné požiadavky najskôr, potom fotokópia víz OECD, potom dokumenty o finančných/zamestnaní, ako aj na pozvanie alebo sprievodný list, ak ich máte.

Rovnako vám bude uvedený zoznam, keď pôjdete na veľvyslanectvo, takže môžete usporiadať dokumenty na mieste.

2. Predložte dokumenty na kórejské veľvyslanectvo.

Teraz, keď máte všetky potrebné dokumenty, je čas na veľvyslanectvo. Potrebujete len ísť na veľvyslanectvo alebo konzulát, získať číslo a čakať niekoľko minút.

Tu sú ich adresy:

Kórejské veľvyslanectvo v Manile
122 Upper McKinley Road, McKinley Town Center, Fort Bonifacio, Taguig City 1634, Filipíny
E -mailová adresa:
Kontakt č.: (63-2) 856-9210 VISA Regionálne č. 270, 500

Na veľvyslanectve v Manile presne takto postupuje:

Zaregistrujte sa a pred vstupom do konzulárneho centra nechajte ID na strážnej stanici.

Akonáhle je vo vnútri, získajte číslo od pracovníkov umiestnených pri dverách. Skontroluje, či máte všetky dokumenty. Ak je spokojný, poskytne vám číslo.

Počkajte, kým sa vaše číslo zavolá. Upozorňujeme, že existujú samostatné okná pre tých, ktorí majú, ako aj bez minulých víz OECD.

Po zavolaní personál dvojnásobne skontroluje požiadavky a položí vám otázky. Potom vám poskytnú sklz papiera s dátumom prepustenia v ňom.

Úsmev. Ste hotoví.

Dôležité! Plán žiadosti v Manile: Iba pondelok-piatok 8:30-11:00

Príďte však už najskôr. Ak je tiež veľa žiadateľov, veľvyslanectvo prestane prijímať aplikácie skôr ako obvykle.

Poplatky za vízum:
Zadarmo na pobyt kratšie ako 59
P1350 na 60-90-dňové pobyty

Doba spracovania:
3 pracovné dni – Pre tých, ktorí sa uchádzajú v Manile s vízami na dovolenku OECD za posledných 5 rokov.
5 pracovných dní – pre tých, ktorí sa uplatňujú v Manile bez víz OECD

3. Poisťovacie nároky vaše vízum k dohodnutému dátumu prepustenia.

Vráťte sa na veľvyslanectvo k dátumu navrhnutého v type, ktorý vám bol poskytnutý.

Vydanie vízového rozvrhu: pondelok-piatok 13:30-16:00

Pred opustením pultu si dvakrát skontrolujte, že vaše meno, číslo pasu, ako aj ďalšie podrobnosti majú pravdu, aby sa v budúcnosti zabránili problémom.

Často sa pýtajú obavy (FAQ)

Ako skoro môžem požiadať o vízum v Južnej Kórei?

Môžete ísť do Kórey v akomkoľvek čase v nasledujúcich 3 Months (90 days) of the problem date. So if your visa is issued on July 1, you can go into anytime before October 1.

So that means, you can apply as early as 3 months (90 days) before your departure date.

How long would I be enabled to stay in Korea?

59 days, if you’re approved a routine vacationer visa.

You can apply for a longer stay however you need to be able to validate that.

Do I requirement to book flights as well as hotels before applying?

No. They’re not required. I’ve tried submitting these before, however they eliminated it from the pile.

Do I requirement a travel company for this?

The Korean embassy is set to carry out a new application system that would need applicants to program their application with any type of of their recognized travel agencies. However, that is not in location yet.

For now, you can still work on the application yourself. It’s easy, fast, as well as free. However, if for whatever reason this isn’t a functional choice — you online in the province, you just can’t spare a working day for this — by all means, discover a travel agency. just keep in mind that they will fee you a service fee.

The travel company we normally work with is Gazelle travel as well as Tours, a DOT-accredited firm. They really ended up being our go-to company for Schengen visa requirements, however they offer Korean visa help as well for P700. Again, our experience with them is for flight booking for Schengen visa. We haven’t tried their Korean visa service. We’re just sharing that they have that service too. Anyway, if you’re interested, email them at

My employer stated they can’t supply the business alphalist since it’s confidential. Čo môžem urobiť?

Starting July 1, 2018. The business alphalist is no longer required. However, it may be requested as extra paper for some applicants.

But if you’re applying before July 1, you will still requirement to supply it by default. Thankfully, one of the members of our Facebook community, Ms. Caye Sadie, got in touch with the Korean embassy to ask that exact same question, as well as here’s their reply.

If the applicant can’t submit the business alpha listing (Form 1604 CF with BIR stamp), they can submit an explanation letter. However, it will be subject to approval of the Officer-in-Charge.

But feel complimentary to phone call the Korean embassy to confirm. right here are the numbers:

Manila: (63-2) 856-9210 visa regional no. 270, 500
Cebu: (63-32) 231-1516(-9)

What is the Visa Issuance confirmation in the section 2 of the Application Form?

The section 2 of the application type requires details of Visa Issuance Confirmation. This section is only for those with a paper called “Confirmation of Visa Issuance.” lots of people believe it refers to previous Korean visas; NO, IT DOESN’T. The “Visa Issuance Confirmation” is a totally different document, normally issued in Korea.

If my application is denied, can I apply again?

Yes, however only after 6 months.

What does a South Korea visa look like?

Páči sa ti to:

Veľa štastia! take pleasure in South Korea!

If you have a lot more questions, we responded to a lot more often asked concerns here: Korea Visa FAQs

For a lot more info about Korean visa applications, get in touch with or see the official web site of the Korean embassy in Manila.

More ideas on YouTube ⬇️⬇️⬇️

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KOREA VISA FOR FILIPINOS: demands & often Asked concerns

Ako požiadať o vízum v Južnej Kórei v Cebu


KOREAN VISA demands & Application process for Filipinos

KOREAN VISA: listing OF travel companies recognized by the embassy

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NO a lot more STICKER: exactly how to download & print KOREAN VISA grant NOTICE

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