Austrálske vízum: Požiadavky a online aplikácia

Tento sprievodca s krokom krok za krokom Australian Visa sa týka tokov cestovateľov a spoločnosti, požiadavky na vízum a celý proces online žiadostí. Posledná aktualizácia: 6. apríla 2019.

Jedným z istým spôsobom, ako nás usmievať, je spomenúť Austráliu. Kedykoľvek sa nás priateľ postaví na ľahkú otázku o našom čase, zdá sa, že prestane vášnivo rozprávať. Austrália je neuveriteľná. Môže to byť najmenší kontinent na svete, ale hemží dobrodružstvá.

Doteraz sme išli do siedmich miest a šiestich národných parkov (Litchfield, Kakadu, Wattarka, Kata Tjuta-Uluru, Port Campbell a Veľký bariérový útes). Našťastie je ľahké získať austrálske vízum cestovateľov. Aj keď sa stále môžete uplatňovať prostredníctvom VFS Global, oveľa bezproblémnejší spôsob je robiť všetko online. Urobil som to trikrát pre seba a niekoľkokrát pre svojich priateľov a rodinu.

Čo je v tomto sprievodcovi pokryté?

Visa Australian Traveller Visa alebo Company Visa?
Austrálske vízové ​​požiadavky
Ako požiadať o austrálske vízum online1. Prihláste sa na immicCount.
2. Vykonajte formulár žiadosti.
3. Odoslať podporné dokumenty.
4. Zaplaťte poplatok za prihlášku.

Austrálske vízum často pýtali do otázok Dlho Čas spracovania austrálskych víz (turista alebo podnikania)?
Aká dlhá je platnosť austrálskeho víza?
Ako skoré by som mal požiadať o austrálske vízum?
Koľko peňazí by som mal mať v banke na schválenie?
Aké je číslo grantu vo formulári žiadosti?
Čo by som mal odpovedať vo formulári prihlášky na pole „akýkoľvek významný dátum“?
Je aplikácia austrálskej vízovej skupiny možná?
Cestujem s rodinou. Musíme sa všetci prihlásiť na účet IMMI?
Čo odpovedať na „iné pasy alebo súbory na cestovanie“ a „iné dokumenty identity“?
Nevidím žiadnu sekciu pre históriu cestovania na mojej stránke Odoslať súbory. Čo by som mal robiť?
Žiadam, aby som predložil formulár 956A. Čo je to?
Nemôžem správne napísať na formulári 54 (zloženie rodiny). Čo robiť?
Nemôžem podpísať formulár 54 (rodinné zloženie). Ako pridám svoj podpis?
Čo by som mal predložiť v sekcii s názvom „Výnimočné dôvody predĺženého pobytu v Austrálii ako návštevník (dlhšie ako 12 mesiacov)?“
Môžem požiadať o viacnásobné austrálske vízum?
Môžem dostať viac vstupného víza, aj keď som požiadal iba o jeden vstup?
Môžem dostať viacnásobné vstupné vízum, aj keď sa prihlásim prvýkrát?
Aké sú dôvody, prečo by sa moja žiadosť zamietla?
Čo odpovedať na časť formulára o nekomplikovaných členoch rodinnej jednotky?
Musia byť súbory notárske?
Zakladá austrálske prisťahovalectvo pasy? Môžem požiadať o vstupnú pečiatku?
Kam môžem pripojiť alebo odoslať sprievodný list?
Komu by som mal osloviť certifikát banky, sprievodný list a osvedčenie o zamestnaní?
Ako vyzerá austrálske vízum?
Vyžadujú sa lekárske alebo zdravotné vyšetrenia pri žiadosti o austrálske vízum?
Ak to predložím, a toto, aké sú šance na schválenie?

Viac návrhov na stránkach YouTube ⬇ súvisiace príspevky:

Visa Australian Traveller Visa alebo Company Visa?

Táto príručka je určená pre tých, ktorí sa uchádzajú o austrálske vízum pre návštevníkov (podtrieda 600) online. V rámci tohto víza existujú dva hlavné toky: cestovateľ a podnikanie.

Turistický stream. Podľa VFS je cestovateľ človek, ktorý sa dočasne odchádza do Austrálie, „na dovolenku, na návštevu príbuzných alebo priateľov alebo na iné krátkodobé účely nepracovnosti vrátane štúdie menej ako tri mesiace“. Tento prúd sa vzťahuje na ľudí, ktorí budú mať svoje vlastné výdavky a nemajú sponzorov.

Obchodný prúd. Tento typ je určený pre tých, ktorí lietajú do Austrálie za činnosť súvisiacu s podnikmi, ako je účasť na konferencii alebo stretnutie s klientom. Toto sa líši od pracovného víza, o ktorom nič nevieme.

Ak sa pozeráte na iný typ (dlhodobá štúdia, práca, bydlisko), bojím sa, že vám nemôžeme pomôcť, pretože sme ho nezažili.

Ak chcete objasniť: Ak idete k príbuznému alebo priateľovi, ale prijmete si cestovné náklady, stále spadnete pod prúd cestovateľa. Ale ak vás sponzoruje niekto v Austrálii, existuje samostatná kategória: sponzorovaný rodinný tok. Tento prúd sme ešte neskúšali, takže to v tomto príspevku nepokrývame.

Austrálske vízové ​​požiadavky

Vykonaný online formulár žiadosti. Nie je potrebné nič tlačiť. Po vytvorení účtu to vyplníte. Formulár má 20 strán, takže ho vyplnenie môže chvíľu trvať, ale je to ľahké.

Fotografie veľkosti pasu. Mäkká kópia.

Kópia stránky Info Passport. Skenované. by malo byť jasné.

Dôkaz o finančnom stave a financovaní návštevy. akékoľvek alebo všetky nasledujúce:
– Vyhlásenie o osobnej banke
– ITR alebo daňový dokument
– Payslips
– Názov
– dôchodková kniha

Dôkazy o predchádzajúcom cestovaní žiadateľa. Možno budete požiadaní, aby ste ponúkli naskenované kópie stránok vašich starých a súčasných pasov, ktoré majú vstupné a výstupné známky a víza. Nie všetci žiadatelia sú povinní to predložiť.

Evidence of current employment or self-employment. For employees, it can be any or all of the following:
– Certificate of employment, discussing your role in the company
– evidence of leave
For self-employed individuals or business-owners, any or all of the following will be accepted:
– company registration documents
– finance sheets (profits and losses)
For students
– Certificate of enrolment

Family Register and composition Form.
– form 54 (Family Composition)
– PSA Birth Certificate
– marriage Certificate. If your current last name is different from your last name in your birth certificate.

Evidence of planned tourism activities in Australia. (For traveler Stream ONLY)
– day-to-day schedule (daily schedule showing the places you will visit and things you will do). sample schedule here.

Evidence of Business-Related reason for Travel. (For company Stream ONLY.) It can be any or all of the following:
– conference registration
– details of previous contacts with Australian company or organization
– Letter from employer discussing the reason for traveling

Group trip Details. If you’re going to Australia as part of a group tour, submit any or all of the following:
– group Itinerary
– Letter from company or institution organizing the tour
– group trip participants list

Visa Fee. as of July 2019, the fee is AUD 145. credit report card, debit card, PayPal, and UnionPay are accepted.


NOT all of the above are required. Some are labeled required while others are labelled RECOMMENDED. So technically, not all of these are required. but I still strongly encourage you to submit as numerous noted files as you can.

On the list above, I keep on writing “ANY or all of these documents” under some categories. Why? because in theory, you can submit just one item per file type. but of course, the much more relevant files you upload, the higher your chances of your application being approved.

Some files don’t apply to everyone. I tried changing some answers to check if it would affect the list of requirements and I found that it did. Therefore: The list of requirements vary depending on your answers to the questions in the form. For example, when I applied for myself and my mom, I wasn’t required to submit proof of travel history but my mother was.

The following file types are accepted: jpg, bmp, png, pdf. PDF files should NOT be encrypted. Zip files are not allowed.

The size of each file should not exceed 5MB. If it’s bigger than that, you will need to decrease the size. If your PDF files are still over, recreate your files with Adobe Distiller and set to “lowest file size.” Jpeg files can be set to only 96 DPI (dots per inch).

Here are additional files that are not required but I believe can help your application go smoothly. (I submitted the following for my first application.)

Sprievodný list. This isn’t required, but it would help you a lot if you submit a letter discussing why you want to visit. Make sure that the letter summarizes and supports everything else you’re submitting. Remember, there will be no interview so it is best to let them know what you plan to do in Oz. We have a sample here: AUSTRALIAN VISA COVER LETTER.

Roundtrip flight and hotel booking. You are actually discouraged to book flights and hotels before you’re given a visa (so your money won’t go to waste ought to your application be denied), but in our case, we already had confirmed bookings so we thought we might as well submit them. This might be helpful if you snagged low fares through seat sale. but if you don’t have tickets yet, don’t book. wait for your visa before making flight arrangements.

I know friends who also submitted their newest credit report card statement. This is to show them that you have additional source of travel funds. I have a credit report card but didn’t submit mine.

Again, if your trip is sponsored by a family member, apply for a visa under Sponsored family Stream. Unfortunately, we haven’t experienced it so we don’t know the details. but from what I know, you will need to have the following on top of the other requirements.

Pozvánka. only if you’re going to a friend or relative. best if you have photos with that friend and relative showing that you really know each other.

Identification files of Sponsor. If you declare that your trip will be paid for by someone other than yourself.

Evidence that your sponsor in Australia can financially support your trip. If you declare that your trip will be paid for by someone other than yourself.

Your sponsor might also be required to pay a bond.


1. sign up for an ImmiAccount.

ImmiAccount implies an account with, the Australian government’s official immigration website. It is essential to create an ImmiAccount because the whole process will be done on this website.

Australian immigration site Interface
Important: Make sure you use a working email address. any update about your application will be sent to this email (including the acknowledgment of receipt of your application and the actual visa grant). You will also get notified each time you log into your account.

To register, go to this site.

2. Vykonajte formulár žiadosti.

Once you have an account, you’ll receive a confirmation link through email. check your inbox and follow the link.

Once confirmed, do the following:

Click on new APPLICATION. Here, you’ll be asked what type of visa you want.

Click on VISITOR. then choose visitor Visa (subclass 600). For tourists, this is the equivalent of form 1419, except you don’t need to print this out.

Continue filling out all 20 pages of the form.

What if you start accomplishing the form but can’t complete best then? Je to v poriadku. You can save the changes and continue editing in the future. As long as you save it (and NOT SUBMIT), you can keep on editing the form.

DO NOT submit THE form if you’re not done yet.

3. Odoslať podporné dokumenty.

On your application dashboard, you will find a field where you can submit the required and recommended documents. The essential is to submit as numerous types as you can. Istota je istota.

You can see the list of requirements above.

This is what the submit files page looks like when applying for a traveler STREAM visa.

Some applicants will see an additional evidence OF THE APPLICANT’S PREVIOUS travel field.

And this is for company STREAM.

The file Attachment page for company Stream Applicants. I applied for company the second time. first time, tourist.
That’s it! once you have submitted your application, you ought to receive an acknowledgment of Application Receipt in your email. I got mine on the same day of submission.

From here, it’s gonna be a nerve-racking waiting game. note that they will never give you an update from the moment you submit until a decision is made. This implies that the next email you’re going to receive from them will tell you whether you have been given or denied a visa.

4. Zaplaťte poplatok za prihlášku.

Online payments are done through credit report card only.

The fee is now AUD 145 (PHP 5194). A credit report card surcharge was also collected. (In my case, it was AUD 1.37.)

If you don’t have a credit report card, you can ask a family member or a friend who has one. You can also use PayPal and UnionPay.


How long is the processing time for Australian Visa (Tourist or Business)?

The processing can take as short as 24 hours to as long as a month, depending on your case. The first time I applied, the process took practically a month. I submitted my application on may 9 and received my visa on June 5. This was in 2015.

The second time, it took 7 days. submitted the application June 21 and got my visa on June 28. My teammates had it shorter. They got theirs in 5 days. some of my friends got theirs in less than 24 hours. It’s pretty hard to predict.

The third time, it took 8 days. My mom, who was applying for the first time, had hers in 8 days too.

Aká dlhá je platnosť austrálskeho víza?

In my case, even though I applied for a 3-week stay, I was given a visa valid for 3 months. I think that’s the standard length for non-working visas.

Ako skoré by som mal požiadať o austrálske vízum?

Not earlier than 6 months before your trip. In the visa, the last day I can enter Australia was clearly specified: 6 months after the visa was granted. Again, I’m not sure if this is the case for everyone, but that’s what was indicated on mine.

Koľko peňazí by som mal mať v banke na schválenie?

No one knows exactly. They don’t explicitly say. but to give you an idea for a ballpark figure, the embassy of France now requires from Schengen visa applicants EUR 120 per day of stay.

My personal guideline is P10,000 per day of stay + airfare + cost of accommodations.

Aké je číslo grantu vo formulári žiadosti?

On page 3 of the Application Form, yo

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